We’re suckers for a good Twitter meme, even if they do make us feel like the clumsy kid who always gets picks last in gym class (i.e. when we contribute to a meme in what we consider to be a hilarious fashion, and are met with resounding Twitter silence). But like the clumsy kid in gym class in a John Hughes movie, we refuse to give up. Our favorite Twitter meme this week is #MakeAComedyScary. We happen to think that an unhealthy proportion of romantic comedies have a terrifying approach to love, dating, and sex, so this one is perfect for us! Below, you will find our top 25 romantic comedies turned very, very scary. Oh, and you if want to make us feel like Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles, you should go ahead and follow us on Twitter @EMandLO.
1. Harold & Maude 2: Love in a Morgue
2. It Happened One Night But Nobody Believed Her
3. Pretty Woman Doesn’t Know She Has Chlamydia
4. My Big Fat Gay Wedding (okay, so this one is only terrifying to Republicans)
5. The Porn Shop Around the Corner (ditto)
6. (500) Days of Zooey Deschanel
7. The 40-Year-Old Virgin Suicide
8. Pretty in Pink Because She’s Been Culturally Conditioned to Shun Blue
9. Four Weddings and Four Funerals, Then One More Wedding
10. When Harry Met Sally’s Expectations
11. How to Lose a Guy By Doing Everything Cosmopolitan Magazine Tells You To
12. 10 Things I Hate About Your Teddy Bear Collection
13. Breakfast at Bill Cosby’s
14. Bridget Jones’s Red Room of Pain
15. Forgetting Sarah Marshall’s Safe Word
16. Knocked Up in a State with Restricted Access to Abortion
17. My Best Friend’s Shotgun Wedding to a Guy Who Thought She Was on the Pill
18. Love Actually Doesn’t Conquer Mismatched Libidos
19. Three Republican Men and a Fetus
20. Sleepless in Seattle 2: Crabs vs. Bedbugs
21. Some Like It in Furry Animal Costumes
22. The Princess Child Bride
23. Say Anything So Long As It’s About Me
24. Clueless About Sex Ed
25. 13 Going on 30: Unrated