How Different Are Girls’ and Boys’ Brains?

It’s a favorite question of ours…okay, of mine (i.e. Lo’s). And my personal answer is that yes, there are differences, but not as many or as great as our culture likes to assume or presume. And that bias we have as a society actually influences the development of boys’ and girls’ brains (which are elastic) so significantly as they grow, that by the time they are adults there is much more difference than there needs to be, than there would be if we lived in a much more egalitarian, less Men-Are-From-Mars world. In other words, it’s a self-fullfilling prophecy. So while there are differences, we would do better to celebrate our similarities, or at least our potential for overlapping skills and desires and tendencies, so that both sexes don’t feel so limited by any strict and narrow gender roles…

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