Blog Snog (08-21-09)
A weekly roundup of some of our favorite sex- and love-related posts from various blogs and websites:
- We love The Frisky’s A-Z Guide to Male Names: Ian makes a great gay boyfriend, Patrick secretly worships Prince, William is an excellent tennis player (but not good at much else), and Steven has potent sperm.
- Apparently Phish swims above the the overly-sexualized 21st century world of music. Sorry, you’re still not getting us to a concert.
- LemonDrop tells you how to have sex on the beach (watch out for crabs, heh heh).
- TresSugar wants you to think twice (okay, make that 200 times) before letting your partner take nude photos of you. (But if you’re going to do it anyway, here’s our advice on doing it right.)
- Apparently sex-positive feminism is so ’90s; the new girl in town is a “semi femi,” according to College Candy.
- Money can’t buy you love, but it might buy your way out of infidelity. YourTango’s Tom Miller investigates.
- College Candy defends hipsters (we weren’t aware that they needed defending, though CC does have a point about v-neck tees).