Blog Snog: Sexy Superheroes and Ex Lessons
- GoodVibes imagines some Bay Area Superheroes, from Big Cock Spirit Man (“He speaks of his Buddha nature. He sits very still in parks. And then he takes your hand and places it over his very big cock”) to Lady of the Erogenous Knee (“She is so free of all boundaries, so liberated from all hang ups that even the slightest brush upon her knee can send her into a mind blowing orgasm”). Hilarious.
- CollegeCandy’s February edition of “Cosmo Says the Darndest Things” cracks us up on the topics of nail decals and guys’ sleeping positions.
- Lemondrop tells you what to do if your date just won’t shut up during a movie.
- Tomfoolery wonders whether divorce registries are a good idea.
- A YourTango writer recounts the 20 lessons she’s learned from 20 men. Our favorite: “That you should not have a relationship with someone who hustles pool for a living — and not only because you will spend too much time knitting in dive bars.”
- TheFrisky on 5 types of men you should never date. Apparently chefs are the new bartenders…
- TresSugar on the hidden meaning of hugs.
- Cephaloblog on six things you should never say to a human being, though we take issue with her claim that “You look fine” is a compliment. “You look fine” usually means “We’re running late and I don’t really care what you’re wearing, I just want to get the hell out of here.”