Comment of the Week: Top 10 Naughty Pic Tips

photo via flickr

Reader Gerald Massey wrote the following in response to our oldie-but-goodie post, “Top 10 Tips for Taking Naughty Pics” (we couldn’t resist annotating a handful of them!):

I am a hobbyist photographer of basic themes — landscapes, architecture, events — but I have been studying naughty photography, as I have come to know it, for some time on my own. Here are my pointers:

1. No vagina at all in the picture — cover it with clothing, a ball or other object, a towel, or even other body parts like a leg pulled up.

2. For breast shots, even when clothed, gravity can destroy a shot. Do not lean or lay flat: When standing or sitting, lean forward about 10-20 degrees. [ED: We guess this all depends on the kind of look you’re going for…]

3. High heel shoes are a must — ear jewelery also. [ED: Er, we beg to differ!]

4. No cell phone shots — you don’t have good controls with a cell phone.

5. A digital camera with a self timer and a tripod is a have to requirement.

6. Someone else should always take the pictures.

7. Basic photography rule of thumb: Don’t take just one picture, take many shots — several hundred is okay.

8. Completely nude is not a good shot . Try covering body parts, or shooting from behind.

9. Mr. Google is great for tips and suggestions and ideas of views and angles.

10. I repeat: Use clothing! [ED: Yes, a tease is usually sexier than full frontal.]