Other people’s dreams are never interesting…except when they’re about sex. Each week, our dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg tells one lucky reader what their dirty dream means. Got a dream you want Lauri to analyze? Click here to submit it (18 and older only, please). This week, a reader asks Lauri:
I dreamt that it was Halloween and I was walking next to a house with a really big display and haunted house, then someone runs at me wearing a mask and yelling and I run away. They grab me laughing and take off their mask and it turns out that it’s a man that I’ve known since high school and that I’ve previously had sex with and he had a small crush on me. He invites me into his house to hangout. We end up in this barn type enclosure full of hay and we start kissing and have very sweet but intense sex on top of the hay. Then someone walks in on us and my dream is over.
Lauri: Hmmm… I’m thinking this dream is a really positive one, showing that you are beginning to accept yourself for who you are and are really beginning to like yourself.
Halloween is all about parading around as someone else, and the display, I believe, symbolizes that you have been putting on a display in real life. But then a guy that was really into you takes off his mask. Everything in a dream is really about you, so he represents the part of yourself that is totally cool with who you are and that wants to remove the false front.
Just as you yelled and ran away in the dream, this must have been a frightening thing to do… open up or reveal your true self recently. The sex that ensues is also an important message. Remember, sex in a dream is usually about incorporating some sort of quality or behavior into your life and into yourself. It seems to me, you are incorporating self appreciation into your life. And to that I say, “Rock on sista!”
Visit Lauri’s brand new site, WhatYourDreamMeans.com, for even more dream interpretations! If you want to be able to figure out your own dreams every morning, then check out her latest book, Dream On It: Unlock Your Dreams Change Your Life, which will give you the tools you need to become a dream expert, too. Check out all of Lauri’s books here.