Naked News: Mass Skinny-Dipping, Boy Pageants, Lesbian Mice
- Vancouver residents set out to break the World Record in mass skinny-dipping while simultaneously promoting body acceptance, bless their Canadian souls.
- Normally we’re all for equal opportunity objectification, but little boys in beauty pageants? That’s just as messed up as the little girl variety.
- Scientists turn female mice “lesbian” by deleting one gene at the embryo stage. We know this is good news for the argument that being gay is not a choice, it’s genetic (duh) — but still, we find the research kind of creepy.
- More science of the broken heart: A recent study shows that the brain may be addicted to love, meaning that, as a result, romantic rejection is like going off cold-turkey. Which is (a) why we all act like such complete losers when we are dumped and (b) not breaking news at all to anyone who’s ever been rejected.