People Really Do Win on EMandLO.com!

photo via Flickr

In the past few weeks, we here at EMandLO.com (that would be us, Em & Lo) have held several quick, kick-ass contests with real live winners:

  • Amanda won a gift certificate to pleasure object purveyor LELO worth $200. 
  • Keirsten won a sensual Mother’s Day gift basket from Tess & James worth $70.
  • Alex won a gift package from Trojan worth $40.
  • And Chris won a selection of lubes for this hilarious Tweet based on our dare here — the bragging rights of which are priceless!

That’s a lot of swag in return for very little effort: Each of these contests simply required a mere “Like” here or a “Retweet” there. The craziest thing about these contests, though? They only had a handful of entrants each! Seriously, your chances of winning on EMandLO.com are huge, people — HUGE!

Do you think you can’t win? Is there something dirty about winning something sex-related? That’s the whole point! So the next time you see us holding a contest, enter it —  you’ll probably win.