Pro-Sexual Harassment Sign? Oh, Hell No!

Change.org is like AA: it works if you work it. That was made quite clear this week when Holly Kearl of StopStreetHarassment.org posted a petition on Sunday and got results in less than 24 hours.

MarketFair Mall in Princeton, NJ, was in the middle of some construction and had the bright idea to put up the above sign, which normalizes — indeed encourages — sexual street harassment and paints all construction workers as mindless harassment zombies. So Kearl put up her first Change.org petition and in less than a day got 1500 signatures (she was hoping for 250). When she contacted the VP of marketing at the mall Monday day, they told her they’d take down the sign later that night after all the patrons had left. She got confirmation yesterday by the original photographer of the image above that the sign had indeed been taken down. Victory!

Here’s the very convincing case made by the petition letter (which we tried to sign before realizing change had already been effected):

Read the petition on SUNfiltered