A few years back we went on a cross-country road trip to promote our first book, The Big Bang. We knew that we’d find dirty minds (i.e. eager book buyers) in places like San Francisco and Portland, but we couldn’t believe how kinky things got in Raleigh, NC! One guy asked us to spank him with his copy of our book after signing it, and someone else asked us to inscribe a book to their partner who was “tied up” at home (quite literally, it turned out). Later at the bar (and this was a chic cheese and wine spot, mind you) someone grabbed his partner’s boob right in front of us, and a long-time reader gifted us with one of his company’s gorgeous glass dildoes. All of us which is to say, we were thrilled but not entirely shocked to read recently that a Baptist church in Raleigh just announced that they will not perform any legal wedding ceremonies until North Carolina accepts same-sex marriage.
Raleigh Baptist Church Holds Out for Gay Marriage in North Carolina