Sundance Film Festival's Top 10 Oddest Couples

To count down to the Sundance Film Festival, we’re blogging about some of our favorite movie moments in the festival’s history. Back in December we wrote about the Top 10 Lessons in Love from Sundance flicks, then last week we covered the Top 10 Lessons in Young Love. This week, it’s odd couples! Romeo and Juliet,  Louis and Clark, Donny and Marie these couples are not:

  1. Crazy Love: An ambulance-chasing attorney with a wife and disabled child hires a thug to throw lye in the face of his ex-mistress. She’s disfigured and half blinded, he goes to jail. Fifteen years later they marry. True story. WTF?!
  2. The Last Word: A woman falls for a man she doesn’t realize writes suicide notes for a living, including the note left by her dead brother.
  3. Humpday: Two straight male friends end up in a dare to make a gay porno…with them as the stars.
  4. Choke: A sex-addicted, Colonial-America reenactor/conman + a mental patient who wants to have his baby.
  5. Zoo: A man and his horse. But this ain’t no “Black Stallion.” It’s the true-life story of a family man who dies of peritonitis due to perforation of the colon after engaging in receptive anal sex with a horse. Whoa Nellie!

Read the rest of this list on SUNfiltered