Yoga and Mindfulness Can Improve Sex

Okay, so we know we’re fond of saying that our sex advice requires neither a yoga mat nor a devotion to ’90s Sting. It’s not that we have anything against yogis, we just think that the ability to wrap one’s legs around one’s head isn’t necessarily the answer to everyone’s sex problems. That said, we […]

How To
15 Things You CAN Change About Sex

We told you about five things you can’t change about your sex life, and we encouraged an attitude of serenity and acceptance. But luckily there are plenty of things you can change about sex, too! Here are 15 to get you started… 1. Your sexual IQ. Bodies don’t come with instruction manuals, but that’s no […]

Dear Em & Lo
My Husband, a Selfish Lover, Won’t Even Try to Give Me an Orgasm

We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. This time, a woman finds herself married to a selfish lover. Make your call by leaving your advice in the comments section below.  […]

Personal Essays
Confession: How My Asexuality Affects Love and, Yes, Sex

by Erika Price   It’s SO different when you don’t feel any sexual desire. In high school, I openly identified as asexual, and I don’t think it ever stopped being true really. My friend Erik introduced me to the term. We were in tenth grade and his friend Jared was driving us both home from […]

How To
How to Bridge the Erotic Chasm in a Sexless Marriage

by Dr. Margaret Paul for YourTango Don’t give up. Research indicates that over 55 percent of married women are not interested in having sex with their husbands. I’ve worked with many men who also are not interested in sex with their wives. The problem is generally not a lack of sexual desire in the marriage […]

How To
In Defense of the Quickie, Especially for Women

Have you ever glanced over at the alarm clock on your night-stand during sex and calculated exactly how many hours are left until it rings? An extended 69 or a slow and sensual love-making session is suddenly much less appealing when every minute of pleasure is a minute less of shut-eye. In fact, sometimes just […]

How To
Study Shows the #1 Way to Keep Sex Hot in Long-Term Relationships

By Rebecca Jane Stokes for YourTango When you first meet someone, start dating, and fall in love, sex is a normal part of the dating equation. The first few months I was with my boyfriend I think I had a hard time finishing sentences because I had to stop everything I was doing and so we could […]

How To
Sexless VS. Loveless Marriages: There Are 9 Crucial Differences Between Them!

by Ossiana Tepfenhart for YourTango   It’s hard to imagine a happy relationship between romantic partners without sex involved. If you look at just about romantic comedy out there, there’s going to be a certain level of sexual tension involved. There’s that beautiful spark that seems to ignite between both characters in these kinds of movies, and […]

How To
8 Ways Great Sex Starts WITHOUT Your Partner

If you want to start eating healthy, you know that changing your relationship to food is more effective than a crash diet. The same is true with your sex life. Concerning yourself with just the act of sex is like only counting calories. There are numerous aspects of your daily life that affect sex in […]

Dream Interpretation
My Wife Won’t Have Sex with Me, But She Still Has Sex Dreams

Other people’s dreams are never interesting…except when they’re about sex. If you’ve got a good one, our dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg just might tell you what it means! Click here to submit yours (18 and older only for dream interpretations, please). This week, a reader asks Lauri: My wife refuses sex, saying she doesn’t like sex any more. (We have 2 kids; we […]

Why Some Men Aren’t Interested in Women’s Pleasure

Jenny Bean had a thoughtful (and somewhat depressing) response to the post “My Husband Won’t Even Try to Give Me an Orgasm“: I think society tells us girls early in life that we shouldn’t want sex, sex is bad. Girls that do like sex or God forbid have a sex drive [are] slu**s, who**s, etc. Men […]

How To
Take Our Relationship Compatibility Test

We’ve been penning a sex and love advice column for a loooong time now, which means that we’ve heard from our share of readers who are struggling in their relationships. Over the years, certain themes have emerged — sure, you’ll get the occasional couple who wants to involve their labrador in a threeway, but most of […]

How To
6 Ways to Address Waning Sex in a Relationship

Today’s Comment of the Week comes from two different readers who had such wise advice on the topic of one partner’s decreasing libido in a fairly new relationship, we combined them into a top 5 list!:  [From “J”] It is normal for passion and sex to decrease as a relationship progresses. Our bodies and brains […]

Your Call
Is It Normal for a Guy’s Libido to Decrease in a Relationship?

We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call on the letter below by leaving your advice in the comments section.  Dear Em & Lo, Does a man’s interest in […]

Sex Poetry
For England’s War Poet Rupert Brooke, Sex Was a Battlefield, Too

Rupert Brooke (1887-1915) was a World War One poet best known for his sonnet “The Soldier,” which opened with these lines: “If I should die, think only this of me: / That there’s some corner of a foreign field / That is forever England.” The New Yorker describes him this way: “Upper-class and stiff-upper-lipped, blond-haired and […]

Your Call
Your Call: Is It Normal for Sex to Wane In a Relationship?

We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call on the letter below by leaving your advice in the comments section.  Does a man’s interest in having sex decrease as […]