Top 10 Sex Scandals of 2011

photo of DSK graffiti via Flickr

It’s the most top-10-list time of year! And we’re not even going to try to resist its allure. 2011 was no stranger to sex scandals (is any year?). Most were political and/or not really all that surprising. And so, without further ado….(click on the link for a summary of the scandal):

  1. DSK
  2. Shirtless congressman on Craigslist
  3. Arnold’s love child
  4. Nude celebrity photos – the leaked, the faked, the hacked
  5. Anthony Weiner chweeting
  6. Herman Cain’s runaway “love” train
  7. Beiber as babydaddy
  8. Bye bye “bunga bunga” Berlusconi
  9. Ashton’s betrayal
  10. Penn State

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