We’re thrilled to introduce “What’s Up Doc?”, the EMandLO.com area where you can find answers to your sex-related medical questions from our long-time friend Dr. Kate, and our new contributor, Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Vanessa Cullins — every week!
Dr. Kate, of Gynotalk.com, is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City; she also lectures nationally on women’s health issues and conducts research on reproductive health. Vanessa Cullins, MD, MPH, MBA, is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America. She serves on a number of subcommittees and advisory boards, including the Obstetrics Subcommittee of the New York State Department of Health, and is chair of the International Subcommittee, American Medical Women’s Association, Reproductive Health Initiative.
We couldn’t be happier to have them both on board each week to discuss everything you’d want to ask your own doctor . . . over cocktails. In the coming weeks, they’ll be covering issues ranging from Viagra for women to oral herpes to pubic hair etiquette during a gyno visit. To ask them your own question, click here. Stay tuned for Dr. Vanessa’s inaugural post later today on trying to convince your husband to get a vasectomy. Also, a note to our guy readers: we haven’t forgotten about you! At the beginning of next year we will be adding a third doctor to the mix who will tackle all your male sexual health questions.