When we read loyal reader Nikki’s response to “Your Call: Do Bigger Penises Lead to Different Orgasms for Women?” it was like we were looking in a mirror, like she had channeled her inner Em & Lo. We are smellin’ what she’s steppin’ in! Amen, sister!*
The G spot is responsible for the so-called “vaginal” orgasm. I reject the clitoral/vaginal orgasm distinction for a number of reasons(origins in Freud and the belief that one is superior to the other, the fact that the G spot is probably just the internal part of the clitoris, etc).
In any case, the G spot is not buried way deep in the vagina, so whoever is telling you you need an 8 inch penis to reach it is full of it. Indeed, trying to probe deep into a woman’s vagina is likely to lead to less pleasure not more, as you’re likely to come into contact with her cervix (this does not lead to orgasm, trust me).
All women are different, but the G spot is generally located somewhere along the front wall of the vagina, within the first couple of inches of the vaginal opening. You can often find it with your fingers using a “come here” motion. Since the G spot is literally within reach, your “average” size is more than sufficient to stimulate it. It’s just a matter of finding a position that works for you and your partner of the moment because, again, everyone is different.
Finally, here are a couple of other things you should note. First, the majority of women require some kind of external clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm. So regardless of your penis size, you’re going to have to give the little man in the boat some love if you want to get most of your partners off. Second, not all women enjoy G spot stimulation, so you’ll need to communicate with your partner about her specific preferences. Third, a man’s insecurity about his penis can be a huge turn off, so don’t sweat it. For many, I dare say most, women, penis size is irrelevant. What matters is chemistry, communication, and how attentive your partner is to your pleasure. If you’ve got these things down, you have nothing to worry about.
*(Except for maybe the part about the cervix: there are some women out there who do enjoy pressure on their cervix — they are, admittedly, very few and far between, so agreed it’s not something people interested in pleasuring women have to focus on as a necessary skill set).
*Correction duly noted. I was speaking of personal preference. Pressure on my cervix is likely to lead to me curled up in the fetal position, but – hey – we are all unique snowflakes. 🙂