Other people’s dreams are never interesting…except when they’re about sex. Each week, our dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg tells one lucky reader what their dirty dream means. This week, a reader asks Lauri:
My friend had a dream about me being in an orgy with two people that I know and one of his friends. He told me that when he walked into the room, I asked him to join in, but he said it was cool. Could you please tell me what this means?
Lauri: I’m going to assume that your friend is telling you the truth and NOT feeding you a really lame pick up line! Now, since this is his dream and not yours, you will have to do your best to answer for him. Let’s start with the orgy. Orgies in dreams are most often connected to a lot of chaos and indecision in waking life, taking on more than you can give your full attention to. Do you know if his life has been this way lately? Or is it your life that’s kind of a jumbled mess? If so, have you asked him to get involved in any of your projects or issues? On the other hand, since it is only a foursome rather than a Caligula style orgy-fest, this may instead be about some other type of group activity he does not want to be involved in… something others may really dig and “get off” on but that simply doesn’t appeal to him. In other words, your friend is not secretly into perverted leisurely activities but rather simply not interested in getting involved in something that – to him – seems a bit too complicated or unappealing.
Got a dream you want Lauri to analyze? Click here to submit it. Anonymity guaranteed! And don’t forget: you can get access to Lauri’s free Dream Dictionary on her site.
i had this weird dream, it all started with a lot of friends playing a childhood game in the street and all of a sudden it turned out to be an orgy inside the house.. it was weird, i felt everything..an the weirdest part was a celebrity was joining us..please can you tell me what this means? the next day i dream’t that me and my sister are in jail for crimes we didn’t commit.. the jail wasn’t rough at all, we could even go out to our families..and nice food was provided. Please can you tell me what this means?