UNLESS YOU’VE BEEN LIVING IN A CAVE, you know exactly what the G-spot is, and you probably know where it is, too — an area on the front wall of the vagina a few inches in that, when stimulated, can result in extreme pleasure, explosive orgasms, and even female ejaculation…well, at least for some women. Thanks to a number of studies on the anatomy and sexual response of this area over the past few decades, and forward-thinking magazines and sites like the one you’re reading extolling its merits, the G-spot has become the It Girl of female sexuality.
But what about the PS-spot? The PS-who? If the G-spot is the It Girl, the PS-spot is its red-headed step-sister.
The PS stands for perineal sponge, which lies between the vagina and rectum, just beneath the perineum (that band of skin between the vaginal opening and the anus). The perineal sponge is a mass of erectile tissue, which means that when it’s stimulated, it fills with blood and becomes engorged, just like a man’s penis and a woman’s clitoris do during arousal.
From a biological perspective, it makes sense that you’d have the G-spot on the roof of the vaginal canal, the PS-spot on the floor, and the legs of the clitoris running along either side. Sexual pleasure and orgasm are evolution’s nice way of getting you to procreate: if it feels good, you’ll do it. So stimulation of these areas causes engorgement of the entire vagina, which not only helps stimulate the areas’ feel-good nerves, but also protects them during penetration.
If you want the new age-y take on the perineal sponge, some Tantric practitioners refer to it as the “cali spot” and suggest that massaging it can unlock new levels of orgasmic potential and may help release suppressed emotions.
Willful ignorance has been a long-standing tradition when it comes to female sexuality. Women were once considered practically asexual, encouraged just to lie back and think of England. Then Freud nearly ruined the clitoris for us, suggesting that orgasms gained from its stimulation were somehow “immature.” And even today there are some doctors who question the existence of the G-spot. Add to that the dearth of legitimate scientific research on not only the PS-spot but women’s sexual anatomical function in general, and we’re not filled with overwhelming confidence that the mysteries of the perineal sponge will be solved any time soon.
In the recent book, Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance, edited by Robert Proctor and Londa Schiebinger, one chapter focuses on the — pardon the pun — black hole of knowledge surrounding the female orgasm. The essay points out that while the G-spot has finally made it into the anatomical illustrations of female genitalia in many mainstream publications, “they continue to overlook…the other sponge, the perineal sponge located between the vagina and the rectum, which also engorges when a woman is sexually aroused. Pressure on any of these engorged structures can result in pleasure and orgasm.”
But there’s hope for this little spot that could. On blogs and online forums dedicated to female sexuality, the PS-spot is getting more and more attention. If the 90’s were the decade of the G-spot, maybe the 2010’s will be the decade of the PS-spot!
The best way to stimulate the PS-spot is with fingers or a curved sex toy – just as is the case with the G-spot — except by focusing on the back wall of the vagina instead. But if you want to try getting at it during intercourse, you could try positions that direct his penis toward her back wall, such as missionary or woman-on-top with your torsos pressed together — basically, the opposite of what works best for targeting the G-spot, which is doggy style. We’ve also heard some reports of people gently accessing it via the backdoor, to get at the shared wall of the vagina and rectum.
What’s true of the G-spot is true of the PS-spot. Sure, for some women, it’s the key to their orgasm; but for others it does nothing for them, or worse, it’s actually uncomfortable. Plenty of women go looking for it, either don’t find it or don’t enjoy it, and then think there’s something wrong with them. So remember, whether you’re looking for the G-spot or the PS-spot, there’s definitely no guarantee that either will feel good to you. And that’s okay. It’s good just to know that these spots are there to be explored. If you happen to be one of those women for whom the G-spot isn’t the holy grail, then maybe the PS-spot will do it for you. If not, don’t worry — there are always other spots to try, whether they have their own catchy term yet or not. When you find one you like, name it after your own initials!
I try to reach it with my tongue. I reached her g spot like a beast mode…….on to the next spot
OK, I do anal play with women, with slippery gloved fingers and toys. So yeah, I can tell you that this is very real.
I’m going to masterbate and do some exploring…I am single can anyone give me some ideas?
I actually found this spot on myself and searched google to see if there was any discussion on it.
The PS spot and G-Spot are not in the same league as clitoral stimulation but are nice “extras”.
Hey, just a minute. This ole countryboy heard of this “PS Spot” many decades ago. We call it “The Tain’t”…cause IT AIN’T either one, the “frontdoor” OR the “backdoor”. As for men, it works for us too. Just as we ejaculate, our partner presses our PS Spot and both of us are delighted.
i would love to use my toung on that.
wow its hot in here
I’ve always known about this part of the body on females. I use it on my girl all the time. It makes for a hell of an orgasm for her. I never knew the name of it though which is very helpful indeed. I’m going to assume that we guys have this spot as well because my girl uses the same technique on me but it feels really weird. I must that definitely gets the job done. Thank you for another interesting topic.
wow,i have never heard of that.thank you for sharing that with us coz i know a lot of us woman were not aware of that.wil definatly give it a try
didn know all of that in fact didn know about any of it.