In Praise of the Quickie (And Quickie Erotica)

photo from Got a Minute? 60 Second Erotica

Conventional wisdom would have us believe that all women need extended foreplay — at least 30 minutes’ worth — to get anywhere near an orgasm, which may be one reason why quickies aren’t embraced more. The thinking goes that women, on average, take a lot longer to get in the mood and a lot longer to reach orgasm than men. But just ask any woman who masturbates on a regular basis and she’ll probably tell you that she can climax in mere minutes on her own. In fact, studies have found that during masturbation, men take an average of two to three minutes to reach orgasm, and women are right behind them at just under four minutes.

Enter the book Got a Minute? 60 Second Erotica. It’s jam-packed with super-short erotic stories, for those times when your sexual attention is lacking. Skim one of the stories between hitting the snooze button and your second alarm, then hit snooze one more time for an actual, honest-to-god quickie. And if you’re the kind of person who sometimes finds erotica, well, a bit cheesy, then these stories will be over before your inner literary snob has time to kick in!

Read the rest of this post on SUNfiltered


  1. Er no, you’re not a failure. 4 minutes of masturbation to an orgasm might work, when one’s starting heavily aroused. From zero, no way.

    And I know that insufficient feeling, when my responses are much slower than my boyfriend’s. Well, I guess, I’m now going to look again at the dozens of articles here stressing the importance of extended foreplay and/or lube to console myself.

  2. nope, sorry. i can’t get turned on in two seconds. i just can’t (not to say i haven’t tried over and over again). i have quickie sex with my boyfriend because obviously we don’t always have a lot of time to fool around, but it’s about as fun as unaroused sex can be. i just end up feeling ashamed that my sexual responses are so slow (seeing little articles like this doesn’t help make me feel any less ashamed).

    and yeah, i can’t finish by myself in four minutes or less so i guess that means i fail at sex since apparently the average everybody else has no problem.

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