Naked News (06-30-09)
- The New York Times reports that, Mark Sanford and Jon & Kate notwithstanding, the institution of marriage has become more resilient in recent years, not less so. In fact, after Sanford’s confession-slash-lecture-on-sin last week, we wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to take credit for single-handedly strengthening the institution of marriage. Whadda guy.
- AlterNet rates the greatest GOP sex scandals of the past 20 years. Meanwhile, “hiking the Applachian Trail” wins our award for best euphemism of the year.
- Okay, and just to prove we can be fair and balanced, too, just like Fox, apparently John Edwards made a sex tape with his mistress. Which just goes to show that, when it comes to politicians, blinding idiotic ego trumps party affiliation any day of the week.
28? Please, I was still married to my first husband, my son was seven year old and “challenging.” I’m happiest now, at 45-almost-46!