Naked News: The Right’s War on Women/Porn/Ethics

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One Comment

  1. I am personally pro-life because I really think that it is the correct decision morally. However, all these insane laws that pro-life state governments keep passing makes me ashamed to be associated with the pro-life movement at all.

    The worst of the lot is the Kansas law that allows doctors to lie to patients. Destroying the patient-doctor relationship is terrible for healthcare and if you have to lie to win, what does that say about you.

    Ironically, the Christian Right that supports the pro-life movement also wants to remove sex education and in some cases opposed birth control. Both of these stances increase the number of unwanted pregnancies and therefore the number of abortions.

    I honestly believe that if we had good sex education and better contraceptive use from the general public that the number of unwanted pregnancies could be decreased 90+%. In a world like this abortion would be much less common and that is a step in the right direction.

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