Naked News: Whose Bright Idea Was a Hooters in Park Slope Anyway?
Having a bad day? Don’t worry, this week the news is light and airy: panda inseminations, professional mermaids, Hooters Heismans and creepy cuddle phones, yippee!
- Apparently, your dating success depends on how you use pronouns. Funny, we thought it ha to do with appearance, hygiene, education and sense of humor.
- In no duh news: Park Slope says no to a Hooters.
- In moon-landing news: a national zoo live Tweets an artificial panda insemination. The future is now.
- The life and times of professional mermaids.
- Meet the huggable, semi-robotic and semi-creepy new pillow phone. From Japan, of course.
If you’re on the trans* spectrum, the success of anyone who tries to date you sometimes does depend on how they use pronouns – don’t respect mine, and you’re out.