Size Does Not Correlate with Pleasure

We can never resist a feel-good, body-positive, you-go-boy! comment. This one is from Olatunji in response to the article “My New Boyfriend Has a Small Penis…At Least, It’s Small to Me“:

The size is not what matters. The smaller organ has a much greater erectile capacity than the larger one. The size of the flaccid or erect penis has absolutely nothing to do with its pleasure-giving qualities. The vagina has a great deal of elasticity and it can adapt to any size of the male organ, be it large or small. And finally, if you think a man is a man cause he guzzles beer or was born with a larger-than-thine appendage, think again. Can’t you see, Sir, the sands of time are dribbling through the hourglass?!

Want to rock what you’ve got?
15 Ways to Make the Most
of Your Small Penis in Bed