Sqweel: LoveHoney’s New Oral Sex Simulator Delivers
Buy the Sqweel at LoveHoney.co.uk
We’re often asked “If you could invent your own sex toy, what would it do?” And usually we can only think of a wise-ass answer like, “Cuddle, make dinner, and call me when it says it will.” But fortunately for everyone with a clitoris in their life, some people out there are a little more creative. Which is how the Sqweel, the brand spankin’ new oral sex stimulator by U.K.’s LoveHoney, came into being: its inventor won their Design a Sex Toy competition.
I have made a homemade version of the Sqweel! I am a carpenter and I built a half-open 2’x1x1′ box with a crank-able dowel in the center. In the middle of the dowel is a “10 pedal” “lubrication mill” with home-made tongues (made out of red silicone-thanks to my PVC melter). The spinning is controlled by my old Drill. The wooden box has a strap that can snug around her torso and there are foam guards that lock the tongues to her vulva. The woos is stained red, so my wife can have screaming orgasms without getting splinters! She loves it, along with her new porch swing, where she can spend some personal time with the sqweel.
Tell me what you think.
I had two of the Sqweels shipped from London for me and for a good friend. It has taken a few “go-rounds” to get the full fun of the toy but I wanted to say that my primary problem is that the Sqweel is quite noisy. Certainly not a discreet little qizmo. Am I missing something?
Marilyn, we don’t think there’s a U.S. distributor yet, but they ship to the U.S. for a very reasonable rate!
Looks like a winner, but can it be bought here in the states?
La la la la la la la la la…………
Anything that so resembles a label maker simply *has* to be a great sex toy. The design shows clearly why they won. Of course, for those of us who don’t have a clitoris, say hello to a useful tool for sealing envelopes in a new and entertaining way.
We promise it ain’t so! We’re just procrastinators is all. Yes, even when it comes to opening exciting packages containing groundbreaking new sex toys. Sad, isn’t it?
Why did I hear about this on the Frisky first? Are you ladies losing your cutting edge? Say it ain’t so!!!
This was one was actually our fault, Joe — it’s fixed now, sorry about that!
For whatever reason, your links to SUNfiltered in these posts never work for me…
Just FYI