The 50 Best Songs for Your Holiday Party Playlist


Last year we threw a holiday party and wanted to avoid the season’s musical dead horses. Don’t get us wrong: we’re suckers for anything Burl Ives or Andy Williams around this time of year, but for a festive get-together of friends we wanted something slightly more unexpected: a mix of both new and old but not too traditional. We spent a loooooong time searching the internet and our music files for the best ear tinsel, weeding out the downer or jarring numbers from each album, to create the perfect 50-song, 2-and-a-half hour holiday party mix (well, perfect for us). So consider this our gift to you — let us know what we forgot…and what you’d like to return. (FYI: Songs are ordered by album, but you’d just hit “shuffle”):

Read the full 50-song list here on SUNfiltered


  1. My favorite seasonal music is on Matt Pond PA’s album, also titled “Winter Songs.”

    “Snow Day” and their rendition of “Holiday Road” are gems.

  2. Sorry, I’m going to have to add John Denver and the Muppets 12 Days of Christmas and “Christmas with Yogi Yorgesson”. I’m a sucker of the Andrew Sisters and Bing Crosby, anything especially the Christmas stuff, but thats really for people who like older music.

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