Top 5 Love Lessons from The Bachelorette (Andi, “The Journey So Far”)*
- If you’re going to talk politics on a date, then the only appropriate response to the topic of Benghazi is “Bring it on!”
- It’s gauche to ask your date about the ancient indiscretions of their partner, especially if said date was the Secretary of God Damn State.
- If you’re going to tell your date how dead broke you once were, don’t talk about having to somehow finance your houses (plural) back then. Be sensitive to the genuine financial hardships your date might have experienced in the past or may be experiencing right now.
- The discussion of scrunchies has no place on a date, whether you’re running for President of the United States or not.
- While on a date, don’t try to disguise your age, especially not with a schmear of Vaseline over the camera lens. Be proud of your extensive journalistic experience and own your wrinkles.
*This week’s “Bachelorette” show was a one-hour recap of the season so far that made room for Diane Sawyer’s exclusive ABC News interview with Hillary Clinton which aired on Monday night.