Will the HPV Vaccine for Boys Make Them Sluts? Ha!
When the relatively new HPV vaccine Gardasil came on the market for girls a few years ago, conservatives got their panties all in a bind over the possibility that it would give sweet, innocent P.Y.T.s permission to do it. Now that the vaccine is being considered for boys, no one seems too worried about their purity being tarnished. According to the Washington Post, the big questions this time around are about safety and cost-effectiveness. (And who says feminism is obsolete?) In the article, Gregory D. Zimet, a professor of pediatrics and psychology at Indiana University, brings up an interesting point about about this question of whether it’s really worth it for the boys…
knowing your partner very well is not the best defense against HPV! eighty percent of the population has it and doesn’t even know it!you could have it right now and not know anything about it.i knew my partner well,but now i may have cervical cancer caused by HPV.girls and boys alike should be getting this vaccine to help prevent genital warts and cervical cancer for future generations!
the best defense against HPV is still abstinence and knowing your partner very well. There is already an HPV Vaccine so i guess it would help a lot in controlling this disease.
everyone should get an HPV Vaccine and always practice safe sex to avoid genital warts.
Yes, but if ALL women get this vaccine (improbable, I know, but that’s the idea, right?) then it won’t matter if boys do, too, because they are already vaccinated, and are therefore unlikely to get HPV. Or be effected by it, or whatever it is that this immunization is supposed to stop. At least I think that’s the idea.
Gregory D. Zimet has no logic. Prostrate cancer is not transmitted to a man by a woman, whereas HPV is. Where is the comparison?