7 Reasons Erotica Is Better Than Porn
by Vanessa Fox for YourTango

“…the moisture is everywhere and the humidity is high. It’s under my skin. The back of my neck is hot under the weight of my long blonde hair that’s quickly losing its glossy perfection and becoming tousled and wavy. It’s that ‘just-fucked’ calling card that makes people take a second glance at me as I turn the corner onto your street. But I haven’t been fucked. Not just yet…”

Am I a tease or what? Aren’t you curious to know who this mysterious woman is and what adventure awaits her around the corner she’s just turned?

These days, with access to every type of pornography imaginable through sites like watchmygf.name where you could watch horny milfs get it right at our fingertips, it seems we’ve forgotten the power of the written word to stir up sensual and sexual feelings inside our minds and bodies.

Today’s erotic stories (like the one above called “Hard Candy” available on Lushstories.com) are anything but boring! There’s literally something for everyone, from sci-fi aficionados to ren-faire fanatics.)

Here are seven reasons you should quit watching porn and read erotica instead to rev up your libido:

1. Joining the party is better than watching the party. Who’s with me?
Reading erotica lets you imagine experiencing the moment for yourself. Best part? You get to choose just how hot your love interest is in the story and be the one who is getting lucky with the hottie. Unfortunately, when you watch porn the mystery is gone; you get what you get.

2. You can read in public.
I repeat, YOU CAN READ IN PUBLIC! Seriously, this is major. No more complaining while waiting on your chronically late friend or in the long line at the DMV. Whether your preference is an e-reader device or your phone, you can enjoy a steamy, animalistic, wildly hot moment virtually anywhere your heart desires – day or night, over breakfast or even at the bar waiting for your date. Bonus perk: You’ll look smart! People will think you’re reading something important even if it’s just the latest Mindy Kaling masterpiece.

3. Because, let’s face it, you can talk about what you read, but you certainly wouldn’t talk about what porn video you just watched.
Some erotica sites, such as Lushstories.com, offer a social network (think Facebook, but for adults who love reading sexy stories). You can chat with fellow visitors, exchange your favorite stories and even make direct contact with the authors.

4. Erotica indulges women more than porn does.
For the most part, porn caters to what turns men on; the men are usually in control of the situation, and the women are physically in shape, perfectly shaved, and at the receiving end of his fantasy.
Truth is: Erotica understands women. (YES, now we’re talking!) Erotica indulges in female sexual fantasies – fantasies that position women in a more realistic light. It’s less about what she looks like, and more about what she feels, sees, touches and thinks. And if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Women respond and connect on an emotional level whereas men tend to respond to straightforward visuals.
And for guys, reading erotica won’t just turn them on, it will also help them become better lovers by learning what women really like. (You definitely won’t learn that from porn. Hello! Acting!)

5. Delving deeper into characters and knowing their whole story is definitely the way to go.
Erotica allows you to feel more involved with every character in the story, which stimulates your mind and your body. Porn? Just stimulates your body, which is all well and good, but you’re definitely not reminiscing about last night’s porn video session on your way to work, now are you? Exactly. Stories make it last longer!

6. Thousands of stories with interesting settings makes reading new and exciting.
Erotica opens the doors to imaginative and original settings. Maybe the story takes place on a hiking trip, or at the bar, or even in a waiting room at a doctor’s office. Whatever the setting is, know this: It’s always different and realistic. With porn, the sets and locations are generally, well, basic and low budget (read: cheesy).

7. No more awkward close-ups of the genitals.
You don’t watch porn to get an up close and personal anatomy lesson, do you? Erotica lets you skip the intimate view of the genitals and imagine the sensations and feelings instead.

This article originally appeared on YourTango.com as “7 Smart Reasons You Should QUIT Porn And Read Erotica Instead

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One Comment

  1. Not sure we’d want to read erotica in public, but we will say another benefit of erotica, like erotic art & graphic novels, is the fact that you can be sure no actual humans were harmed during the creation of it. This is not to say that some people in porn really love what they do, but it’s not always easy to tell whether they’re really, truly having a good time or are just acting — maybe they just really needed the money, maybe their cognitive functions are impaired by drugs or abuse… Also, if it’s the kind of porn that deals with defilement, humiliation and/or pain, you may not feel great that someone actually had to live through those “fantasy” experiences. Not a concern with erotica.

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