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Sex in public is all about discretion. You want to enjoy yourself, but not at the expense of other people’s comfort and dignity. They just want to have their drink in peace, not be unwitting voyeurs of your not-so-private fantasy. As the old saying goes, it doesn’t matter what you do, so long as you don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses.
Well, PicoBong wants to help you do it in the streets without frightening the horses.
Introducing their Remoji, a new app they’re developing that allows you to control the pleasure of your partner remotely via four brand new sex toys designed for both women AND men. With Bluetooth technology, you’ll be able to tap, poke and swipe the app to control sensations in the various toys. According to PicoBong:
Remoji™ is all about vibes – sexual vibes, music vibes, YOUR vibes. Inspired by pop culture and music, the app delivers vibrations linked to different music styles but also encourages you to create your own patterns by tapping and swiping the screen following your own rhythm. And Remoji™ doesn’t need to be kept to the confines of the bedroom. Imagine all the music festivals this summer and enjoying your favorite beats in a brand new dimension 😉
So what type of new toys does Remoji control?
1. DIVER: Designed with discreet pleasure in mind, this one has all the right curves to hit her G-spot. Insert the circular end and the handle will hit her clitoris when worn under undies.
2. BLOWHOLE: This male masturbation M-Cup creates totally unique sensations that will blow him away. If you want to wear this one out while your partner uses the app to control the sensations, you might need a big, bulky sweater for discretion. 😉
3. LIFEGUARD: A stretchy silicone love ring that accommodates all sizes to keep him bumping to the beat all night long. It fits around his shaft (or both the shaft and testicles), offering snug vibrations and stimulation. Press up against him and you’ll get to enjoy things too!
4. SURFER: A sleek, vibrating butt plug made from silicone with the requisite flared base for preventing total wipeouts — perfect for first-timers and pros alike. (Get two so you can take each other on a mutual joy ride!)
PicoBong has launched an IndieGogo campaign to get these devices up and running. Sign up to support Remoji and you’ll be one of the first lucky people to experience the toys at a discounted price: 40% OFF! Production will start approximately a month after the IndieGogo campaign closes in a month.
Get on it, so you can get down in the streets without frightening the horses!