Poll: How Do You Wear Your Hair Down There?


  1. This is such a personal preference. I don’t think one “look” is cleaner than the other. I waxed it all off once because I was going on a 2 week beach vacation and didn’t want the hassle of trimming and keeping it neat, plus salty water after shaving (OUCH!) I LOVED it. Haven’t grown it back in 3 years.

    I personally prefer a man that is nicely trimmed or clean shaven. No hair to interfere between me and pleasure.

  2. Ryan said it right in my opinion. Completely agree. I don’t mind going down on a guy if it’s bushy, but it sure is a weird feeling to get hairs in the back of the throat. I’ve convinced my partner to trim, and he does a very fine job of it and realizes how many more favors he gets for doing so. Great rewards!

  3. Maybe not on dudes, but on females, it absolutely does relate to hygiene.

    The evolutionary purpose of pubes on a woman is to keep harmful junk, like dirt and twigs and bark, out of the pussy. In the past, when people lived in their own filth, pubes on a woman actually improved her hygiene.

    Now that we shower every day all that dense bush does is keep stuff in, like pee residue and old stale juice. It’s the dingleberry principle – hair collects stuff.

  4. Hair removal doesn’t equal hygiene on its own, but it’s not unfair to say that just letting hair run wild is something lots of guys/gals associate with hippies, and hippies ain’t known for keepin’ clean. If someone keeps neat and trim, odds are that they’re acquainted with a bar of soap, too.

  5. it’s true. it annoys me to no end when people claim that hair removal=hygiene. no. it’s really not. that said, I feel like at least a bit of a trim ups the odds of receiving oral for either gender. so go for it.

  6. Having a lot of hair has nothing to do with hygiene. It has to do with never being told that women like it when the man cuts some off, so it doesn’t look like an impenetrable forest.

    Showering and staying clean is hygiene.

    Cutting hair is style and appearance.

    Men, you heard her. Get a haircut.

    It can be done with scissors, but I find that too scary. Use an electric razor that has a trimmer attachment.

    Better yet, if you trust her, let her do it.

    Better be sure she doesn’t think you are an evil cheater. Remember Lorene Bobbit. Bob it, she did.

  7. I think that when a guy has a little is best. Because when its all gone its just weird and akward. And when theres alot, its even more wierd! It actually grosses me out. It shows horrible hygiene

  8. Who’s into taking it all off? I think that’s a little bizarre looking, personally. But trim back the jungle, for god’s sake, trim it!

  9. I am SO over taking it all off. I mean, what’s the point of taking away the sign of your sexual maturity. Also, I sort of like the feeling of pubic hair subtly pulling on pubic hair. When I’m shaved I feel over exposed and I think my sensitivity actually goes down.

  10. I think whether you’re male or female, not managing your pubes makes you a slob. I mean, why should the expectation that we look neat and groomed end there?

  11. Wookie pussie is hilarious! I’d never heard that. But amen, Rei. Trim, please, ladies–nothing crazy, but keep it under control. Nobody likes going down on Chewbacca. A buncha hairs in the teeth? Not fun.

  12. I think I’m an all or nothing guy in what I prefer. Nothing there or just full on 70s porn style. As for myself there’s so much to gain from the optical inch.

  13. ^^ I agree. I like guys who are trim and neat down there, where I’m not thinking twice about giving him a BJ because I’d get hair in my mouth. Overly bushy is a big turnoff for me. Just like with women, I know some guys will be turned off by a wookie pussy!

  14. Men….please. Don’t chop it all off. If you wanna just trim it, well I can live with that. But please don’t take it all off! Hair=man. If you don’t have any hair, you’re just not manly enough for me.

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