The Man Your Man Could Smell Like
This new Old Spice ad is genius. Check out this Twit interview with the creators of the ad for the play-by-play of how they did it. The commercial pokes fun at both men and women (refreshing!), which means it appeals to both men and women and thus doubles Old Spice’s potential buying market. Since being uploaded to YouTube on February 4th, it’s received 2.5 million views. It should win a Cleo just for the absurdity of the last few frames and the last line: “I’m on a horse.”
OOhhhh I like that commercial! Funny, and DAMN is that guy sexy. My guy actually does use old Spice, but he doesn’t look that that guy. 🙁
I saw this commercial the other day. I LOVE it! Especially the end, “I’m on a horse.”
Wow, he’s hot, too. Asked My Man, “Would you look like that and sound like that if you used Old Spice? Could you try it?” He ignored me. LOL!