Something’s Gotta Give: Jack Nicholson chooses mother over daughter
Reader Momma wrote the following in response to our post, “Your Call: When Your Partner’s Fantasies Are Seriously Disturbing.” Before leaping to judgment, dear readers, consider this: The couple below can talk about anything. They trust each other completely, and this has led to them being completely honest with each other… which has led to a stable, solid, awesome, committed, enjoyably sexual relationship. They get that fantasies are just that: fantasies. Sure, we don’t exactly condone the idea of offering up your blessing regarding your adult daughter’s marital state — but, hey, it works for them! So long as everything is honest and ethical and consensual and legal, who are we — and you, too, reader — to judge?!
My boyfriend of more than a decade admitted to me that he has fantasized about being with my adult daughters. Yes, they are extremely beautiful. Yes, we love each other. No, he would never ACT on those fantasies. Yes, we have openly discussed the fact. No, it is not a “taboo” fetish. Yes, it apparently does have something to do with the fact that my daughters are part of me.
He has never been an iota’s worth of disrespectful towards my children. He has always been immensely supportive and loving and careful to maintain appropriate boundaries.
We communicate about everything sexual, including our fantasies without filters and without judgment.
After he told me this I asked him if he preferred a younger woman. He emphatically denied that. I told him that if that was so, since my adult daughters were single (at the time), and if they so chose, I would bless their union should one of them wish to marry him. That did not (and will not) happen, and he never mentioned it again other than to once say how deeply touched he was that I loved him enough to say that…and that he never wants to lose me.
Ha ha… of COURSE he has. It would be weird if a healthy man spent a decade in close proximity to two beautiful, non-biologically-related younger women and he DIDN’T have a sexaul fantasy about them.
Good for you for being a reasonable realist and a confident, comfortable partner.