Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: Do most straight guys secretly want to have their bums explored by their girlfriends/wives? Like, even if they don’t admit it, and they’d never ask…deep down, are they curious?
Straight Single Guy (L.A. Chris): When they’re together, straight guys tend to avoid anything that could sound even remotely homosexual. Not even a metro guy will tell his buddies how much he enjoyed the ass-play he got last night. This makes it hard to gauge how many butt-buffs there really are out there, but for me I can easily say no. No curiosity, no secret enjoyment. I’m probably in the minority here, but to me it’s sort of like a stray finger up the nose while making out: not terrible, but not particularly exciting either — just off-target.
Straight Married Guy (Jamie): I really think this has to do with the guy’s own level of homophobia. If the guy is open-minded and comfortable in his masculinity, then it’s just something else to try in the bedroom. However, I personally know a few guys who are otherwise pretty sexually adventurous, but who feel that any attempted ass play from their partners is a deal-breaker. Of course, these are the same guys who still think it’s funny to make “fag” jokes about each other in public. I think, for guys like this, asking for some anal attention would be too big of a threat to their warped sense of masculinity.
Gay Engaged Guy (Joel Derfner, author of Swish): Let’s face it: The prostate is the prostate. Your nerve endings don’t care whether you like to have sex with boys or girls; when something feels good, it feels good. It’s possible that even ten years ago I would have answered differently, but twenty-first century porn has changed my mind: Sites like Seancody.com and BrokeStraightBoys.com, where supposedly straight men have sex with other men, are wildly successful. And I do think that at least some of these porn actors are straight, or at least straighter than they are gay. So this makes me think that there has to be something intriguing enough to them about the idea to overcome what’s left of the taboo. And this is with other men! So if very experimental straight men are willing to let other men explore their bums, then yes, I suspect that your average straight man is definitely interested in having his female partner explore his bum — even if he won’t admit it.
Our “wise guys” are a rotating group of contributors, some of whom wish to remain anonymous and some of whom like the attention. This week’s Gay Engaged Guy is Joel Derfner, author of Swish. To ask the guys your own question, click here.
I can’t speak for “most straight guys”, but my straight guy *loves* his ass played with. I’ll rim, finger and peg him any time he asks (and often when he doesn’t) because it feels great (tons of nerve endings, and prostate stim makes for earth-shattering orgasms) and I love pleasuring him. If you’re good at multi-tasking, ring his doorbell while blowing him 😉
And, then, he gets to play with mine (well, when he wakes up, lol).