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Dear Em & Lo,
My parents did not believe in circumcision so they left me natural, and I don’t have any problems with the way I am and I have not had any problems with ladies. But I would like to know what women really think about foreskin or no skin? I ask this because there seems to be a disconnect between what some people say publicly and what they believe privately. Is there a difference between the ethical and the erotic for women? It’s easy to imagine a woman not wanting to hurt a baby, but might that same woman find circumcised penises more of a turn on? In this PC culture, it can be hard to acertain people’s true opinions. What are the majority of women’s ethical and sexual preferences when it comes to a circumcised or uncircumcised penis — and, more to the point, are those two things usually the same?
— Uncut Collegian
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cut or uncut a penis is a penis just keep it clean, but i have to say that an uncut penis works just as good as a cut one maybe better.
The quote that popped into my head when I looked at the site Doctor D posted was ‘lies, damned lies and statistics’ which I forget the origin of, but basically means you can spin the figures in many ways if you have a hypothesis to prove.. in the case of penile cancer the numbers who get this are a vanishingly small proportion of the population that the fact than it is more common in uncircumsised guys could be sheer luck of the draw when it occurs in less than 100 out of 100,000.. an extra few cases can be represented as an infantesamely small % of the whole (if you don’t want to prove a link) or a giant leap (eg. if you have 40/100,000 one year and 50/100,000 another then suddenly you could say it 25% more likely (keeping actual numbers quiet) if you want to prove a link… whilst at the same time the risks for any one person are minisule… plus correlation does not equal causation.. take a look at the pastafarian/ flying spagetti monster graph’s which show global warming is due to the global reduction in the number of pirates if you want an amusing example of how 2
Removal of a womans clitoris is not circumcision. It is a sick attempt at control.
Only about half of newborn boys are now circumcised. There are many studies to prove that circumcision does NOT really prevent disease, and most men who are circed as adults are astounded at the decrease in sexual pleasure.
I could never mutilate a baby, and as only half of boys are circed, it it not something that boys get teased about “in the locker room.”
It made no difference to me if a man was cut or uncut, I only admired his parents a little more if they decided not to go with the Status Quo and cut their babies.
The rates of penile cancer, even in uncut men is SO low that is makes no difference. If a man keeps his foreskin and underneath clean, there is no more of a threat of ilness or smell than a woman who has a complete inner labia.
Most of my freinds do not circ their boys, and now that many of them are teens and early 20s, there has been no complaining about how they are treated by mature girls and women who they choose to have relations with.
It is an unnecessary medical procedure, it can effect feeding, alertness, respiration, O2 saturation in the blood for weeks in a newborn baby and the it makes no difference in performance or “disease prevention” in grown men. Also, men who are cut are less likely to have early onset problems with erectile dysfunction because the uncut penis is believed by men who have had BOTH to be more sensitive.
I, personally, don’t beleive in either female or male genital mutilation. There is an organization caleld “Nurses Against Circumcision” and they put out some good info about why they feel this way and why they won’t participate in infant circumsision. Also, there are groups who do reserach and have found the uncut penis to actually be more healthy.
My Man is cut, but our sons never would be. We did the research and there was no medical reason to have such a brutal operation done on a child.
Don’t concern yourself with what women think either way regarding circumcision. YHWH commands it; therefore, do it.
The physical byproduct of obedience to Him is love and as a result only then will such a question even begin to factored into your survey. Only then will a women’s role or thoughts on the topic factor in: They’ll love it! It’s just that cut and dry-clean.
I’m 18, and my first time was with my current boyfriend who is uncut. I live in America, and have no problem with a man being circumcised or uncircumcised, it doesn’t seem strange or bizarre, or anything like that. The only problem I would have with it, would be with my own kids because I was raised in a white community and therefore everyone (I would imagine) was circumcised, I don’t think I would get it done just for the simple fact that it’s unnecessary, I get plenty of pleasure from my boyfriend, but I haven’t been with another man to verify that it’s any different. So what if they’ll feel “different” older parents need to know that kids CRAVE being different and not like everyone else… it’s not like it was when you grew up and everyone had to keep up with the Jones’.
Ok, I’ve taken a quick look and what I’m seeing is a good argument that the HPV vaccine should be extended to boys as well as girls.. a somewhat less invasive procedure the patient can choose to have or not as it’s delivered in the teens..
Dear Uncut Collegian,
I suggest you grow up.
My uncle had to be circumcized at the age of 40 following an infection. He said he has always loved sex but after the cicumcision it was so much more pleasurable he was shocked. Easier to take care of, seemed more attractive to women, and felt awesome after being cut. He was thrilled to have it done.
ATTENTION: “Bettyboo” et al . . . .
Log on to “” and you will find a wealth of data to peruse and research. Click on to “uterine cancer” as well as the link pertaining to “penile cancer”. Take note of the horrific illustrations.
By the way, although there may be some,I personally do not know of any documented cases of penile cancer in a circumcised male. Something to think about.
when *I* have sex… sorry, typos stink.
Dear Cut Collegian,
I don’t think about the foreskin when they think about having sex with my husband. I used to, before I was married. I was certain that one way was ‘right’ and the other was ‘wrong.’ Then, I met my husband, and he was the other way than I thought I would like! So, it’s not cut or uncut, it’s the PERSON that makes the difference.
When we are frisky, I think about a) our cleanliness and b) making him happy. Cleanliness comes from daily hygiene. All men and women should practice it to their culture’s standards. Making the other person happy means being willing to put them first. If both the husband and wife buy into this concept, then you should have a very pleasurable love life.
You should think about the same two points when you’re with your wife. a) Am I clean and b) what can I do to make her happy?
I’ve been married three times and my late husband was uncircumcised while my latest husband isn’t. Other than the look of their penii, sex with either of them was/is beyond satisfying. If I had a son, I would leave things naturally. As an older American, I share the perception that is apparent in many posts–an unnatural circumcised penis seems “normal” to me. However, I believe this will change as parents discover with today’s hygiene there is no reason, other than religion, to cut off a baby boy’s foreskin. So, I am certain younger women will find it weird to see circumcised ones. I agree with jolly padrida, it isn’t the skin that matters.
Both sexually and ethically I prefer cut. I have been with men who are both cut and uncut. when they’re uncut we’ve had such difficulty keeping condoms on that we just gave up on intercourse.
and if I were ever to have a son I would circumcise them. I was with my sister every day she was in the hospital after she had my nephew, who got circumcised the day after he was born. it was a quick surgery which healed surprisingly fast. whereas my godson was left natural, and even though my best friend is a hygiene freak he would still get rashes-once even a small infection, under his foreskin.
So for me, it is circumcised all the way ethnically, preferably and hygienically.
With my first husband of 20 years, all I had known was a man that had been circumcised. When I remarried, I found out that my second husband was not circumcised. Of the two, I much prefer the visual aspect of a man that is circumcised and also much more enjoy the feel of it. The uncircumcised penis reminded me of a gooey-duck or of the alien on the movie alien vs predator. I saw nothing wrong with a man being hung naturally… it’s just that sweet head standing out there that better suits my taste and is more appealing to me. But I am only one woman… and there are so many men. “wink”