Design Your Own Sex Toy, Win Fame and Cash!

Remember when we told you guys about a new sex toy called the Sqweel? It’s an oral sex simulator that was launched back in 2009 with all the pomp and hype of a new Apple product — we were sent a free sample in advance only once we were sworn to secrecy, which made us feel kind of like the James Bonds of the sex toy world (but with a better gadget!). And we have to say, despite having a name that sounds like a ride at your local county fair, the toy totally delivered. Well, the Sqweel was the winner of LoveHoney.co.uk’s Design a Sex Toy competition that year. And their 2011 competition is now accepting entries! Closing date is June 30, 2011.

Read the rest of this post on SUNfiltered


  1. I have an idea that I would like to put out to the world. My wife thought it might be nice if I reached out to someone about it. Would love to share it with you.

  2. I have many really good ideas. but have no idea how to start, i am afraid of trying to start a company on my own and have all my ideas stolen from bigger companies.

  3. I have a great idea for a sex toy and I need to get it out there.. please help.. this is one every women in the world should have and feel!

  4. I have a sex toy idea for woman, I’ve tried Trojan and invent help.com and know one will take it or answer me back.Will this site help me and if so, where do I start?

  5. I have an idea for a sex toy. You could call it “The Triton”. 3 dildos, one for anal, one for vaginal, and the third for the clitoris, they could all vibrate. If that wouldn’t increase an orgasim entirely, I don’t know what will.

  6. I Have A Great Idea For A Sex Toy.. This Toy Is Amazing …Yea We Have Sex Toys To Hold In Your Hand.. Damn That’s Tiering ..Wouldn’t You Want Something That Haves Some what Of A Mind Of It’s Own.. Yea A Sex Toy That Can F**K You Just Like You Program It To Do Or Have You Ever Watch Porn ( Ladies IM Talking To You too) Have U Ever Thought To Your Self And Say ” Damn I Wanna Be f**Ked Like ThaT?” Or Even Getting F**ked By Your Favorite Porn Starts And Hubby When Your Both Away And Can’t Get Home For That Quickie.. ThiS Sex Toy Isn’t Your Average Sex Toy …This Sex Toy Can Be Used From Both MaLe And Female.. Yea I Think It’s Time That We Freaks Can Enjoy Sex On Our Freakiest Level…Choose Me As Your Winner

  7. I have a wonderful new and very exciting toy in mind that I just thought of. My nickname..is tornado. Just think of the great vibrator that goes above and beyond just like the weather! Every mood and every day life situations. My great idea needs to be put into play. “Sex play” that is! Need to hear back from you asap! This storm is not giving out any more information for my idea to be revealed just yet. The calm before the storm!

  8. I honestly have a GREAT idea that will Shock, Stun, every Female in the world that has used a dildo i call? the Majik Double header i got the design and whats needed best of all? the secret is ? it will replace one of the most used toys used in the Adult Business and i know it will sell like Hot Cakes Funding i need and making the product if you contact me and if possible we can talk terms but whom ever likes this Great idea will get rich incredibly fast

  9. Hay i have a idal for a sex toy that teach guy how to stroke and ladie how to stop being lazy sex partners

  10. I have several ideas to make a better sex toy. How do you go about it. Im ready to get things started

  11. I have a really good idea for a oral sex toy. It will completely change the way men are stimulated and give women and men confidence in pleasing their male partner. It combines two methods of pleasure and can be done with little to no fatigue. The best part about it is that it is simple and easy to understand. I have the design and am looking for help taking the next step.

  12. I have a new idea for a sex toy, it is called the love bug, it is not invasive and can be turned on and off without interrupting the riv-um of sex. The idea can be adapted to the breast and their are no wires at all. I do have other ideas for men as well, this idea would help with the size of a man penis while still pleasuring is partner during sex.
    I have the ideas draw up and read to go.

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