Your Call: My Husband and I Can’t Compromise on Porn

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Dear Em & Lo,

I have a problem with my husband watching porn. He knows I dislike it; I even gave him and alternative once, me or the porn. I thought he chose me. I have sadly realized that he has been watching it and I don’t know for how long now. We don’t have problems with sex other than we don’t get any time to ourselves because of life; i.e. kids, work, tired, whatever.

I grew up with porn in the home and grew up thinking it is disgusting. I have tried to watch it with him, it does nothing for me, and I find it grotesque. I feel that if a man is happy at home, then he doesn’t need to cheat or watch porn. If I am not satisfying him in bed then he needs to tell me, not watch porn. I feel that porn in one sense is a form of cheating. Who is he thinking about when we are having sex, me or the girlfriend, me or the porn?

I don’t know what to do. If he is going to continue to watch porn, I have no desire to have sex with my husband anymore and he knows this and does it anyways. I don’t know what to do. To check his computer for the porn, would only verify that he is watching it, and in the same it violate his privacy, but on the other hand, I can’t just confront him about it because I am afraid he is going to lie to me because he knows I won’t have sex with him anymore.

Lately I have even turned him down because I suspect his porn problem. He has changed in how we have sex that makes me suspect this. I can’t bring myself to have sex with him again until I know. Then I will wonder if he is lying to me. So what do I do?

— Porn Ultimatum

What should P.U. do?


  1. This makes my blood boil! I recently found my husband watching porn, downloading pictures of naked girls…just one month before our 25th anniversary! He lied about it of course. But after he saw how I was extremely hurt and heart broken, he swore to never do it again. Well, not 2 months later…I found it again! I’m struggling to even stay married to him at this point! You see, my belief is that if you are lusting after another girl, you’ve committed adultery in your heart! That’s CHEATING in my book! It’s been over a month now since the second time, just reading this… I’m shaking and my blood is boiling! It’s an absolute deal breaker for me! He even had the audacity to say my (rap) MUSIC was offensive to him…and that NASTY PERVERTRD crap he’s watching isn’t offensive??? I need help…or a divorce.. Not sure which at this point!

    1. All men are stimulated by the sight of women starting at a young age and develop a pornographic mind throughout the years, and our brains are hard-wired that way. Just watching a good looking woman fully clothed walking down the street in a tight skirt is a turn on, or just watching the wind blow a skirt back and forth is arousing. With that said any man with a computer will watch porn to satisfy his curiosity, and fulfill his appetite of seeing other women having different kinds of sex, and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, porn is just fantasies or curiosity of what others are doing sexually and he may want to try something new with you. Maybe you and him should watch some passionate movies or soft porn made for women and see how it goes, and it will strengthen your relationship, you pick out the movies.

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