Your Call: The Relationship Is Great, the Sex Not So Much

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Dear Em & Lo,

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years. We have a very healthy relationship and I love him to bits. I have a problem with our sex life. For the first year or so he didn’t make me orgasm at all. But I’m pretty laid back, and in that new relationship bliss I was happy just having sex with him. When I finally got sick of never climaxing, we had a really awkward conversation about it and some things changed, i.e. he starting using his fingers when going down on me, and I can get off when I’m on top. Still, I probably climax maybe 1 out of 5 times when we have sex and it bothers me. I find it hard to get turned on because I know there probably isn’t a happy ending for me.

To complicate things, my relationship with my ex (and only other boyfriend) was lacking in all other respects but was super sexually satisfying. We could spend, quite literally, an entire Sunday having sex and I had orgasms all the time. My current boyfriend is better looking, better endowed, and all around much more amazing, but I am so much less excited about having sex with him. The only thing I can think of is that it doesn’t matter to him whether I have an orgasm or not. It feels like he isn’t trying. By contrast, my ex really enjoyed getting me off.

I feel like talking about it has not gotten me where I want to go, and I’m afraid if I keep bringing it up he will get discouraged and give up altogether. I really miss having great sex. I don’t know how to fix this.

— Blue Box

What should BB do? Leave your advice in the comments section below.





  1. Seems well worth it to confront this now and take the chance that it changes one way or the other. Sometimes more ‘well-endowed’ are a bit lazy in the sack as they think that is enough or should be. Woman first is common decency and it applies to sex too. Most men can’t have more than one orgasm before a siesta is required, most woman can have more than one so… shouldn’t the lady always go first?

  2. A lady wrote to Em & Lo with a similar problem about a week ago, except she’s married to the guy, so she’s pretty much stuck with that for the rest of her life or until she gets a divorce.

    Here’s your chance to avoid going down that long and monotonous road. Dump him and find a guy who puts the effort in.

  3. Most people who write in to advice columnists “know” the answer already. You may love this guy to bits, but please wake up: you DON’T have a healthy relationship. People treat us the way we allow them to. You set the stage for your dissatisfaction when you went for en entire year without making your sexual needs known. And when you had the “awkward conversation” (see: “this relationship is not healthy” comment above) he made half-hearted attempts to please you. I think you answered your own question with the “he isn’t even trying” comment. You two either need to get real comfortable communicating with each other (which is going to take a lot more awkward conversations before it gets better) or you need to realize now that you’re incompatible. If he really is going to “give up altogether” if you keep asking for your needs to be met, he’s not relationship material, despite how much you think you love him.

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