Pop Culture
Funniest Reviews of the iPhone Spin the Bottle App

image via Rankopedia The iPhone app “Spin the Bottle!” says you must be 17 to download it, but what 17 year old still plays Spin the Bottle?! There are 18,695 (and counting) reviews of this app, almost all of them hilarious. And not one of them, we’re willing to bet, is written by anyone 17 […]

Pop Culture
Top 10 Worst “Breast Cancer Awareness” Memes

Don’t get us wrong: We’re all for raising awareness of breast cancer  (we just wish other forms of cancer had such good publicity reps), but we think sometimes all this supposed “awareness” can lull people into thinking they’ve actually contributed something worthwhile and concrete. At their best, these online awareness memes usually do nothing at […]

Pop Culture
Our Favorite #MensRightsMovies on Twitter This Week

Every now and then, a hashtag comes along that renews our faith in the Twitterverse. The latest, #MensRightsMovies, cracked us up. Who knew so many people out there are thinking about equality and feminism this early in the day on a random Tuesday in October? Yay, Internets! Thanks to @jaythenerdkid for kicking off the meme. […]

Pop Culture
Top 15 Worst “Sexy” Halloween Costumes

We recently published a top 10 list — only slightly tongue in cheek — of “sexy” Halloween costume ideas for men, in an attempt to balance out the playing field this October 31st. To highlight exactly why the world needs more Sexy John Boehner Crying and Sexy Walter White, here is a top 15 list of […]

Pop Culture
Top 10 “Sexy” Halloween Costume Ideas for Men

You’d think by now we’d be unshockable, but every year we continue to be flabbergasted by the sheer range of Halloween costumes that are sexed up. (Sexy cheeseburger, seriously?!) What’s not shocking at all: That 99.9% of these costumes are for women. So here are some ideas for men who are looking to gratuitously sex […]

How To
Top 10 Timely Halloween Costumes for Couples

It’s only three weeks to Halloween, which means that if you plan on doing something more elaborate than throwing a sheet over your head and saying BOO! a lot, you better get your act together soon. So, with that in mind, here are our top ten ideas for timely Halloween costumes for couples. We make […]

Pop Culture
Sex and Dating Acts That Should Have a 24 Hour Waiting Period

The Washington, D.C., Department of Health just posted proposed tattoo and body piercing regulations, and one of the recommendations is that a 24-hour waiting period be imposed for tattoos. In other words, if you stumble into a tattoo parlor one Saturday night and drunkenly demand a tattoo of Miley Cyrus twerking or a Chinese symbol […]

Pop Culture
17 Things We WISH Occurred Only Every 17 Years (Or Less)

photo via flickr The bizarre, unsettling cicada invasion got us thinking about all the other kinds of things that would be way easier to handle if they occurred only every 17 years… A D-list reality TV star’s sex tape is “accidentally” distributed. UTI’s. Someone says “I’ll call you” and never does. Reverse wheelbarrow sex. A […]

Pop Culture
You’re More Attractive (to Twitter Users) If…

photo via flickr Sometimes the hash tags that trend on Twitter can make you hate humankind (#fatfilms this week, really, people? Are we back in junior high? What’s next, awards for “Most Outgoing” Twitter feed?!)… and sometimes they just make you want to reach out and hug someone. And sometimes they do both, as with this […]

Pop Culture
Are You Smarter in Love Than an Eighth Grader?

We’re cynical biatches, so when someone told us about this eighth grade mash note that a teacher found on her classroom floor (see above), we figured there was a good chance it was faked in some way. But then we read it and we fell in love with the girl asking the question, “R u […]

Pop Culture
Paul Ryan Gosling

A few years ago a humble little Tumblr blog called “Fuck Yeah, Ryan Gosling” launched, featuring images of the dreamy, blue-eyed, well-toned actor with imagined lovey-dovey quotes from him to you, the girlfriend: “Hey Girl, if I had to get swine flu, I’d want to get it from you.” It hasn’t been updated in months, […]

Pop Culture
Monday Mix: Muppet Dating Advice, Porn Dilemmas, and More

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens… these are a few of our favorite things making the rounds on the Internets of late: Muppet Dating Advice: An awesome article on Slate explains how everyone is either a Chaos Muppet (Cookie Monster, Ernie, Grover, Gonzo, Animal, Miss Piggy, etc.), or an Order Muppet (Burt, Scooter, Kermit, […]

Top 30 #VaginaMovieLines Tweets

To follow up on our Vaginagate roundup post from yesterday, now that the trending on Twitter had died down, here are our top 30 picks for best #vaginamovielines Tweets of the past week, so you can avoid scrolling through the endless stream of mediocrity and get straight to the good stuff: NEGATIVE (from the perspective […]

Pop Culture
How to Spot a Hipster in the Wild

photo via flickr How is it possible that hipsters have been around since the 1940s? (At least according to the OED, which equates the word with “hepcat.” Er, thanks for that.) Even stranger still, how is it possible that hipsters have been around since the 1940s and we still can’t exactly put our finger on […]

Pop Culture
Top 10 Pickup Lines for 2012

Most of the contributions to the recent Twitter hashtag #2012PickUpLines were pretty uninspiring. (Exhibit A: “I’d like to buy a new router for you and your friend. And ‘Route Her’ and yourself into my bedroom tonight.” Er, okay, Beavis.) But we were inspired by Rainn Wilson (@rainnwilson) of THE OFFICE, who tweeted, “Can I piggy-back […]

Pop Culture
Women Looking Remorseful After Sexual Encounters

photo via flickr (Note: this is not an actual example of the meme because we are law-abiding bloggers and don’t steal images, even to make fun of them! You’ll have to visit the links below to see examples.) Back in December, we wrote about the stock photo cliche of a couple’s bare feet sticking out from […]