Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions every few weeks on EMandLO.com. To ask her your own question, click here.
Dear Dr. Kate,
What does it feel like when a man’s penis hits the cervix during intercourse? I think it’s happened to me, but it doesn’t happen every time my partner and I have intercourse with deeper penetration. Can it hurt the cervix? How can this be avoided during sex while still allowing for deep penetration?
— Perplexed Cervix
Dear P.C.,
Deep penetration during intercourse can be immensely satisfying, and make you feel really connected to your partner….but sometimes has the less-satisfying effect of causing you pain. When the cervix is bumped, it can cause cramping in your uterus that ranges from mild to severe, or cause a dull aching or pressure-like feeling throughout your pelvis. Some women are more prone to cervical contact, if their uterus is tipped back towards their tailbone (or “retroverted”), bringing the cervix up and closer to the vaginal opening. The good news is that while cervical contact may hurt, it doesn’t hurt your cervix – no damage done. The best way to avoid it is to be maximally aroused before penetration – when the vagina is fully engorged, it gets longer and wider, and gives the penis more room to play, hopefully away from your cervix. Extra lubricant couldn’t hurt, as well.
— Dr. Kate
Dr. Kate of Gynotalk.com is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City. She also lectures nationally on women’s health issues and conducts research on reproductive health. She generously shares her medical wisdom with EM & LO readers every few weeks. Click here to ask her your own question.
I had sex with a guy whose penis is large and long, and could neither sit n him nor stand the pains that came from my cervix due to the deep penetration.
Due to the fact that I wasn’t comfortable it looked like I didn’t know how to fuck.
Please whats the solution to reduce the pains from my cervix cos I don’t want to loose him because of sex
I got my period on wednesday the day after I had sex with my boyfriend and then we had sex today and my period ended yesterday. I know he hit my cervix a few times today, and he has hit it before and it has only hurt the next day. Did I damage my cervix and that is the only reason I am bleeding, or is it because of my period. Please help me
Me and my mate had sex yesterday and it felt good now today the bottom of my stomach hurts what’s wrong.
My boyfriend has a big penis, i enjoy having sex wit him but most of the time it hurts and i will go straight to my period the day after we had sex, im worried that maybe my cervix will be damage or something else might be affected.
I have the same thing now, did you figure out what it was
my menstruation lasted for seven days and on the last day i had sex with my partner with me on top and in the process i started bleeding immediately. I felt embarrassed and wonder what must have gone wrong please reply.
I knew i was goin to start my period so we had sex because we usually have sex everyday, but we used toys for the firat time n it was a 7 inch n i love it deep thays why we tryed a toy. But when it went in deep it felt like another opening. It was wiered, so i started period next day, but lots of back pains n side pains, i take provera to start period witch it normally doeant give me that bad of pain. I am very scared. I dont kno of i need to be checked or is it jus my period that is goving me bad cramps. Sex was awesome so o didnt think anything till i started getting bad pains.
I also notice a dull pressure kind of pain when having sex. Also I recently had a yeast infection and whenever I’m trying to use the applicator I feel the same pain. I usually have to push the applicator on one side of my vagina while sliding it in so I can get it in without pain, otherwise it feels like the I’m pushing up air which is pushing on my cervix. I can never get the applicator fully in and then I feel pain, beyond which I can’t go any further. I’m so scared cuz I don’t even know if this is my cervix or if there’s something in the way. This happens every single time, no exception. Please it has me really worried, and I can’t afford to go see a gyno. That’s really expensive here and I don’t work. Please help. Thanks
I had sex with my boyfriend yesterday.. I was on all fours and he came from behind.. I noticed a sharp pain on one of his thrusts making me scream and jump out of position in discomfort.. After a few seconds, I noticed increased wetness in my vagina like when extremely aroused and am scared that my uterus might have been bruised or something…
i had sex with my partner today and he was hitting my cervix once or twice and it was reay painful(i was riding ontop,it is the first time this ever happens to me and we’ve done it several times and never happend till today.im nervous to do it again because im scared the pain will come back(Please reply) what should i do? because im not pregnant and im only 18 years of age
Love this website it educates the nation
I had my period about 2 weeks ago and it lasted 4days, I had sex with my partner after my period and nothing happened… But some days ago we had rough sex I felt like he hit my cervix and after that I have been noticing light bleeding and discharge from my vagina for 3days now. it’s getting me worried. I know it’s not STD because I have only one partner and he’s not infected.
I have rough sex with my partner occasionally and I have noticed that depending on the position we are in I bleed during or after sex. This spotting after sex last for a day or two but it is light and only detectable when I wipe. I have done my annual papsmears and they show no abnormality. I don’t know what is wrong because we use have rougher sex than we do now And i didn’t use to bleed. But for a fact the bleed is evident when my boyfriend goes deep and I do feel like he’s hitting something but it feels good not hurtful. Also, we have been trying to get pregnant but unsuccessful so far, is there anyway that something could be wrong with me. How can I find out if there is? I am 28.
what about hitting the cervix and causing bleeding? I bleed/ heavy spot for a day or two after intercourse and I know he’s hitting my cervix. Also, it seems that the last time we had intercourse has caused me to actually start my period early. Is this possible?
Please help.
The length of your vaginal canal (and therefore the proximity of your cervix to the entroitus) will vary at different times of month, too, so that may have something to do with “sometimes he hits it, sometimes he doesn’t.”