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Dear Em & Lo,
I am so frustrated being nearly 24 and never had a relationsship. I’m outgoing, I have great friends, I’m doing well in grad school, I have traveled extensively and I have many interests. My confidence is usually okay, I’m actually most confident in clubs as I do get a lot of looks from guys.
But the problem is I feel most guys look at me as hookup material. I’m blond and have a nice figure, but I usually try to chat to guys about my studies and things that interest me or my travelling (and of course ask a lot about them as well).
Why is it so hard for me to find guys that are looking for a girlfriend? I have not been on a date for half a year and very often I am not attracted to the guys that ask me out on dates. I usually say yes just to try it, but without attraction there’s no point for me to continue seeing them.
I hope I do not come off as shallow, I did date this great guy for three months but in the end I realised I was not attacted to him at all. Some friends of mine later said I really should up my standards, which made me question why it’s so hard for me to find an attractive guy to date. I do catch handsome guys on the street looking at me quite often.
So how to find guys I am actually attracted to who do not just look at me as hookup material? Are my standards to high? You might suggest internet dating which I have tried and did not like. Also my spare time is limitied, so I find clubs and bars to be the easiest place to meet guys.
Thanks so much.
— One Is the Loneliest Number
What words of wisdom do you have for OITLN? Leave your feedback in the comments section below.
I would say it sounds like now is just not the right time for you to find your prince charming.
You are in grad school, traveling, and have an active social life. You are enjoying living your life. If a boyfriend came a long and it got serious too soon, down the line you might resent the situation.
Truth be told, I am in the same exact situation as you and this was the advice I got from many people.
Pushing yourself – I think that’s what you’ve done with the “date guys”. Gone on a series of dates hoping that feelings will develop. “Very handsome guy” is someone that you would’ve previously branded as just a “hookup guy”. Now that you’re exploring the potential in him, I’d say the danger is that you’ll try to sabotage the whole deal. He could have the goods required for a serious relationship, and you’ve been successfully avoiding that for some time now. If you’re gonna push yourself, try to recognize attempts at sabotage.
Something else – you’re smart enough to intellectually realize how family issues have impacted your relationships. However, getting yourself to truly feel something like, “I don’t need to be like my parents” is a quantum leap upward from that. Think of the scene from “Good Will Hunting” where Robin Williams keeps repeating, “It’s not your fault”. It might not be terribly difficult for you; heaven knows that I haven’t been too successful(shrinks included). If pushing proves too blunt an instrument, you may need a better technique. There should be an online community relating to your family issues. Could be a valuable resource. I’m pulling for you 🙂
Try online dating, but be responsible with it.