Your Call: What’s a Better Term for…Um…Er…Don’t Make Us Say It!

We feel just awful that we can’t answer every single advice question we get, but we figure that any answer is better than no answer at all. Which is why, once a week, we’ll let you guys decide how to advise a reader. Help out this reader by posting your answers in the comments section below:

Dear Em & Lo,

I have a question that is something you could maybe open up to your readership: I hate the term “tittie-fuck.” Gah. Skin crawls just writing it. “Making love to one’s bosom” is just ridiculous. Could there possibly be another short-ish term to call this (fun for the fella) act that is neither so glib nor so formal as the former and latter, while retaining some semblance of sexiness? I can’t for the life of me think of one. Help?!?

— Lexically Challenged

Dear L.C.

We have no freakin’ idea — and we’re right there with you, the T.F. term makes our skin crawl. So, dear readers, help us out: What would you call it? Suggestions in the comments section, please…

— Em & Lo


  1. I wouldn’t mind a nicer term for it either, thus far it’s been “you know that thing we did last time… with the… fucking, of the… boobs…? Can we do that again?”

  2. A couple years ago, I came home from a bar really drunk and began to “seduce” my wife, who was already sleeping in bed. Despite my high level of inebriation, it was all going very well — she was slowly waking up and slowly urging me to continue … then more quickly asking me to continue … then desperately demanding I continue …

    I started working my way up her body til I was astride her mid-section when, suddenly, mustering the ghost of every drink I’d had that night, proclaimed loudly, “I WANNA FUCK YER BOOBZ!”

    Needless to say, I have never lived it down.

  3. Technically (cf Dan Savage) it’s a form of frottage. Yeah, I know; that doesn’t help all that much. [Note:spell check doesn’t recognize the word.]

  4. Although I sort of enjoy “tittie-fuck” (I don’t know why)
    There is always “boob-boning”!

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