Dear Em & Lo: What Do Vulvas Taste Like?

photo by ksantome

Dear Em & Lo,

I hear if your vagina has no taste to it that means you’re healthy? My friend told me he likes to eat his girlfriend out and it’s because it’s just like water, no taste to it. He said if there is a taste to it something is wrong with the girl? My ex told me my vagina had a taste to it, he said it tasted good…but when arousing myself and masturbating I tasted myself and it taste really tangy. EVEN after showering. Should I watch what I eat more? Or should I douche more often?  Or am I just fine?

— Tang

Dear T,

What do you mean “Should I douche more often”? You shouldn’t be douching at all! That could be your problem right there! Douching throws off the natural chemical balance of your vagina, which can cause inflammation and discharge. So stop that! And cut out the bubble baths and any perfume sprays down there. Then make sure you’re eating healthy, not smoking, exercising, and hydrating. Understand that semen can make things a little funky — which is another great reason to use condoms! If there’s any chance you might have an infection, go to your gyno and bring up your concerns. Check out our detailed post about these steps, as well as Dr. Vanessa’s post on getting the vadge back on track. But please know that, like ice cream, healthy vulvas come in 31 flavors — and they’re not supposed to taste like water, they’re supposed to taste like dark, moist, musky love pops!

Enjoy responsibly,

Em & Lo


  1. linda, if that works for you, it’s great. But, many, in fact most women are at risk for vaginal yeast infections as well as bacterial infections if sugary foods, fruit, dairy etc are placed in or near the vagina.

    Probably best to eat them, and leave them away from your sex organs, just to be safe.

  2. I am a vegetarian and have been told that by men that its a nicer taste , wheteher thats because I m vegetarian I dont know .
    like previous posts have said dont douche etc theres nothing wrong with the smell or taste of a healthy vagina ,
    Or how about using food at the same time on each other ? , strawberries ,raspberries , peaches , chocolate paint , icecream , cream ? that can be fun !

  3. ADelaney: We have heard this, but we’re assuming your mileage may vary. Perhaps it affects some people more than others? All we can suggest is to experiment on your own and report back here. By the way, your comment made us laugh out loud!

  4. Is it true that coffee can make the taste down there more acidic? Because I am a huge coffee drinker, and if i had to choose I feel like coffee would win.

  5. Yeah, I have heard that douching can increase the chances of getting pelvic inflammatory disease and can also increase the risk of cervical cancer. As Tyra Banks says ‘the vagina is a self cleaning oven’. As long as you are clean, eat healthy and do not have a vaginal infection, then your vagina should taste fine. Don’t ever douche or use deodorant tampons or pads or feminine hygiene sprays. It simply is not necessary. If a guy does not like going down on you and you know there is no problems down there, then find a different guy who is not selfish in bed!!! 🙂

  6. The taste really does depend on how healthy you are; good hygiene and diet. Men have to watch themselves too, I’ve heard of some men who body build and eat lots of protein bars taste gross, and women who eat lots of sweets and junk food taste gross. Don’t by any means become a vegetarian just for the sake of tasting good down there, but do yourself, and your partner a favor, and eat healthy and wash yourself! (No douching!) 🙂

  7. Hilarious Leigh! We knew we were pushing it, but we just felt like living on the edge today.

  8. I think if we need any more proof that there definitely isn’t a benevolent God, it’s this: First, the clit is outside of the vagina (WTF?), and now…Johnny says vulvas taste like seawater (well, that’s not so bad) and ML says come smells like bleach…why can’t it all just smell and taste like chocolate?? Is that so much to ask?

  9. okay, Em and Lo, you two are generally quite handy with the descriptive thesaurus, but I have to say “dark, moist, musky love pops” (even with assumed levity) may actually have put me off cunnilingus.

    …okay, it’d have to be a lot worse than that. but still. guys. ew.

  10. I totally agree with you, Johnny. I think that comes out of a long tradition of seeing men as the norm and women as the ‘other’ (which is also part of the same tradition that had men as superior in many ways to women). And, just to clarify, there’s nothing wrong with da mens, either! People are sexual and tasty things. What can we say?

  11. Some women are close to flavorless. Some have a nice sea-water taste. Some women can be both or worse depending on a bunch of stuff, like what Em and Lo listed (smoking, eating habits, etc.). Proximity to your period can also affect taste. The tangy stuff is usually deep juice – the stuff that comes out when you really get turned on. It’s generally less appealing in flavor.(which is why oral is usually foreplay and not aftplay).

    Don’t worry about it. You’re fine. An unhealthy vagina is repellant, and your BF says you taste good.

    And by the way, as I’ve noted in the past, why do only pussies get the bad rap for taste/odor problems? Cocks and balls also come in a wide range of flavors and odors, from nearly odorless/tasteless to truly foul.

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