Wise Guys – What’s a Man’s Ideal New Year’s Eve? (Part 1)

Advice from three of our guy friends. This week a straight woman asks, “What’s the ideal New Year’s Eve for a single straight guy/straight married guy/gay committed or single guy?”

anonymous_suitStraight Single Guy (Max): New Years, much like birthdays, should be fool-proof fun. Good friends, tasty beverages, and maybe something cuddly to look forward to. While a super sexy sassy lady is an ideal co-pilot for such occasions, I often prefer to spend such holidays without the chance of disappointment. In other words, if sexy naked time isn’t already in the bag, it might be better to avoid the frustration and settle for fun with my dude friends. Too often has there been too much drinking and not enough thinking with hopes that are held so high… and who wants to end a holiday feeling sorry for yourself? As some smart sportsman once said, “Nothing good ever happens after midnight,” and thus I say that if you aren’t smoochin when ringing in the new year, it’s probably best to focus on the heavy drinking and dancing and forget the dirty stuff. Even if you’re by yourself.

wiseguy_benStraight Married Guy (Ben): After you’re married and have kids – my wife and I just had our second – finding time to party isn’t the hard part. It’s finding time to recover. Shortly after our first was born, I went on an all-night bender with friends and for the next two days (yes it was that epic a night), I was completely out of it – total deadweight on the entire household; I felt terrible about it for weeks. So a perfect new years eve for us, right now, is really boring: probably not doing much of anything all that different than any other night. Maybe having a drink or two after the kids are sleeping. Then, seeing our close (and hungover) friends the next day, having brunch, going on a hike. Starting the year off right. Yawn. Smile.

Gay Single Guy (Bradford Shellhammer): Good wine. Good food. Good friends. A disco beat. Kissing strangers. And waking with a hangover with the person you love.

Our “wise guys” are a rotating group of contributors, some of whom wish to remain anonymous and some of whom like the attention. This week’s Straight Married Guy is Ben, a writer and artist living in Los Angeles who runs AdultParlorGames.com; our Gay Guy is fellow SUN blogger Bradford Shellhammer, the creative director of fabulis and a New York Times featured decorator; and our Single Straight Guy, Max, is a recent college grad in New England. To ask the guys your own question, click here.


  1. Hahaha. We ended up renting a house with three other couples with kids and partied like rock stars — nakedness, illicit substances, lots of fun. Two hours sleep and I was up with the kids. IN YOUR FACE PARENTHOOD!!!

  2. More and more, I find that questions like these may as well be, “What do three particular men think is an ideal New Years?” I know enough men with enough wildly varying opinions on the subject that the assumption of a Male Answer seems kind of silly.

  3. New Years’ is the worst. Freezing cold, inflated expectations, enforced cheer… it just sucks. For me the 4th of July is the best holiday of the year – it’s warm out.

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